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Best Emerging Artist - UOB Painting Of The Year 2023: Ta Duy Tung

Starts 08/01/2024 - 09:00 | Ends 28/04/2024 - 21:00

Best Emerging Artist - UOB Painting Of The Year 2023: Ta Duy Tung

The Inner-Self Story: A Half To Be Remained

The artwork of Emerging Artist Ta Duy Tung named "Existence of The Will" is inspired by his personal life, when he faced many difficulties at the same time and could not find a way for himself. The face is a self-portrait. One half is open and one half is inactive, symbolizing that in hardship, even the things that he thought were his own also left him.

"A Half To Be Remained". The open eye represents the small will that remains. The hand holding the candle represents the flickering and fragile hope. Then all he has is, a little will and flickering hope. When will and hope meet, the path will reveal itself.

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